SEMC2025 ANNUAL MEETING: Montgomery, Alabama October 20-22, 2025
the Application period for 2025 Session proposals is now open!
A great conference requires great sessions! Thank you for taking the time to submit a proposal. The Program Committee review/decision schedule is as follows:
February 7, 2025: Session Proposals due
February 2025: Program Committee reviews and evaluates session proposals.
March 13, 2025: Program Committee meets in Montgomery, Alabama to select proposals for inclusion in the SEMC2025 program.
By late March, 2025: SEMC Program Administrator sends notification of Program Committee decisions to all session chairs.
About the 2025 Conference Theme
Developed by the Montgomery local arrangements committee, the 2025 SEMC Conference theme, Future Forward: Reach, Remember, Reclaim, reflects the way Montgomery museums are looking toward the future by embracing new voices and new interpretations. We must reach into the community, remember and reconcile our past, and reclaim our community stories and spaces. In Montgomery, let's explore emerging trends and technologies in museums, share solutions and success stories, and come together to find a way forward.
This year, we’ve created the 2025 SESSION PROPOSAL GUIDE to support your submission process. Before starting your proposal, consult the guide for a clear overview of required information, helpful tips, and advice for crafting a standout submission.
Is it your first time to submit a proposal or need help with making your proposal shine??
Have questions or need assistance developing a session proposal for SEMC2025? Please contact Heather Nowak, SEMC Program Administrator at
SEMC2024 Session: Mid Career Meetup. photo courtesy of Michael Lachowski
sEMC2024 Session: building your own table - black Leadership in museums