Show your support, stay in touch, and increase your visibility with a conference sponsorship. SEMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by membership and contributions. Sponsorship support helps make the Annual Meeting an outstanding and affordable opportunity for networking in the expanding Southeastern museums community.
Platinum Sponsor ............................. *$12,000
*$10,000 with a two-year commitment
Platinum sponsors can choose to be the lead sponsor of one of the following events:
- 2025 Plenary Session
- 2025 Keynote Address
- Lead sponsorship of either event includes a speaking opportunity to open the event and company logo on all promotional materials.
- Platinum sponsorship includes an opportunity to record a welcome video for SEMC2025 attendees that will be posted on PheedLoop Go! the, 2025 Conference App.
- Annual Membership at Corporate Partner level
- Table Fee (includes four registrations) at SEMC2025 Resource Expo
- Full page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues)
- Feature article in one edition of Inside SEMC
- Inside front cover, inside back cover or back of the Annual Meeting program
- Signage & recognition at Annual Meeting events
- Access to SEMC Mailing Lists
- Eligible to present an *unpartnered session at the Annual Meeting
- Acknowledgement at any sponsored events and General Session (Keynote)
- Recognition in Annual Meeting Program and fall issue of Inside SEMC
- Sponsor Recognition on SEMC website.
- Company literature in attendee tote bags

Gold Sponsor ............................. *$6,000
*$5,500 with a two-year commitment
one of following sponsorship opportunities:
- Co-sponsor of the 2025 Leadership Luncheon. Includes speaking opportunity to open the Leadership Luncheon, invitation to the Directors Reception and company logo on all promotional materials.
- Conference Transportation Sponsor (recognition on all transportation signage/wayfinding)
- Table Fee (includes up to three registrations) at SEMC2025 Resource Expo
- ½ page ad in Inside SEMC (3 annual issues)
- ½ page ad in the Annual Meeting Program
- Signage & recognition at Annual Meeting events
- Access to SEMC Mailing Lists
- Eligible to present a un-partnered session at the Annual Meeting
- Acknowledgement at any sponsored events and General Session (Keynote)
- Recognition in Annual Meeting Program and fall issue of Inside SEMC
- Sponsor Recognition on SEMC website.
- Company literature inserted into attendee tote bags

Silver Sponsor.......................... *$3,500
*$3,250 with a two-year commitment
one of the following opportunities:
- Lead Sponsor of the 2025 Awards Luncheon. Includes speaking opportunity to open the Awards Luncheon and company logo on all promotional material and at the event.
- Lead Sponsor of Table Talk evening session (Sunday October 19)
- Sponsor complimentary head shots for SEMC2025 attendees
- Logo on conference tote bags
- Logo on conference name badge lanyards
- Lead Sponsor of the 2025 Council Legacy Reception
- Sponsor a bar at the 2025 Resource Expo receptions
- Table Fee (includes two registrations) at SEMC2025 Resource Expo
- ½ page ad in Inside SEMC (3 annual issues)
- ½ page ad in the Annual Meeting Program
- Signage & recognition at annual meeting events
- Access to SEMC Mailing Lists
- Company literature inserted into attendee tote bags
- Acknowledgement at the General Session (Keynote) and any sponsored events
- Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of Inside SEMC
- Sponsor Recognition on SEMC website.

Bronze Sponsor ........................... *$2,500
*$2,250 with a two-year commitment
Choose from the
one of the following opportunities:
- Co-Sponsor of Opening/Closing Receptions at SEMC2025 Resource Expo
- Lead sponsor of one Expo Break
- Lead sponsor of one Affinity Luncheon [Select: Educators', Curators', Registrars' or Jekyll Island Management Institute]
- Exclusive sponsor of SEMC2025 conference t-shirts
- Exclusive sponsor of SEMC2025 badge ribbons
- Table Fee (includes two conference registrations) at 2025 Resource Expo
- ½ page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues)
- ¼ page ad in the Annual Meeting Program
- Signage & recognition at Annual Meeting events
- Access to SEMC Mailing Lists
- Acknowledgement at the General Session (Keynote)
- Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of Inside SEMC
- Sponsor Recognition on SEMC website
*An "unpartnered session" does not require a museum partner on the panel.
Please contact Zinnia Willits to discuss SEMC2025 Annual Meeting sponsorship opportunities at [843] 224-0876.