*Thank you to our friends at the Western Museums Association for compiling this resource list!

·     Excellence in DEAI Report, American Alliance of Museums

·     Digital Preservation Handbook, The Strong National Museum of Play

·     Gender Equity in Museums Resources, GEMM

·     Land Acknowledgement Guide, IllumiNative

·     Museumexpert.org, a free service for connecting museum professionals and independent consultants with potential employers

·     Reframing History by AASLH: read the report, download the toolkit, and learn more about the research backing their recommendations.

Sustainable Exhibition Design & Construction Toolkit


Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide

Many physical objects including papers, photographs, textiles, art supplies and others may be salvageable even if damaged, particularly by water. It’s also important to use caution when entering flooded and damaged buildings and areas. Here are resources to assist:

24/7 Collections Emergency Hotline - 1-855-245-8303

NEDCC staff members are available 24/7 to provide telephone advice to institutions and individuals handling collection-related disasters. Information provided includes advice on drying wet collections and dealing with damage from fire, pests, and mold. This service does not include on-site assistance.

National Heritage Responders - 1-202-661-8068

The American Institute for Conservation’s National Heritage Responders (NHR) is a highly skilled team of conservators and other collections care professionals with expertise in emergency response. NHR members are available to provide advice to individuals as well as advice and on-site response to institutions. Email the team at NHRpublichelpline@culturalheritage.org. All assistance provided by the NHR is free.

FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution co-sponsor the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF), a partnership of 62 national service organizations and federal agencies created to protect cultural heritage. For guidance on salvaging water-damaged documents and cherished belongings, visit Save Your Family Treasures.

Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables and Treasures 



Join us the 3rd (sometimes the 2nd, sometimes the 4th...) Friday of each month for a casual happy our meet-up!

Next Happy Hour - Friday, February 21, 2025  5PM EST (4PM CST)

End the week with SEMC! Bring your drink and have a laugh! 

Join Zoom Meeting on Fridays!

Meeting ID: 884 5684 9221

Password: 6Fz5bb

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Dear SEMC members, supporters and friends,

As our nation confronts this period of unprecedented change and uncertainty, we want to assure you that one thing will not change: our support for museums and cultural sites across the southeast. In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, Southeastern museums have taken immediate action to protect the health and well-being of their visitors, volunteers, and staff. Although museums throughout our region are shuttered, they continue to serve their communities. It is heartening to see SEMC member institutions facing this unparalleled emergency with swift reaction, creative thinking and unity. Although public safety is the highest priority, the Southeastern Museums Conference is also deeply concerned about the financial recovery of museums in the aftermath of this viral outbreak. There are more than five million Americans who make their livelihoods in the broader arts and cultural sector across the country and are potentially at risk. Our southeastern museum community must work together over these coming weeks and months to support and bolster one another.

Museums are frequently sites for contemplation and healing in difficult times and can continue to provide comfort, resilience, wisdom, and the means for self-expression and connection through a virtual presence. We will continue to share information from multiple resources, including the American Alliance of Museums as it becomes available. We also want to help promote your online programs, events, tours and other means of digital connection through our social media channels. Please send us links to share on Facebook and Instagram and continue to engage with your peers (questions, frustrations, tips for working remotely) on the SEMC Facebook page or the EMP or Mid-Career group pages.

As you focus on the health and safety of yourself and your families, please know that we are in this together, and that you can continue to rely on SEMC for information and connection. We will be with you each day of this crisis.

With gratitude for all you do,

Zinnia Willits, SEMC President, March 2020



June 3, 2020

Dear SEMC,

Over the past week many of us have been struggling to find words to express our outrage, grief and disbelief. The horrific killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others make it clear that our nation continues to fail many of our fellow Americans as racial violence and systemic injustice against Black people continues. SEMC shares in the outpouring of grief and anger at the senseless loss of lives and stands in solidarity with those around the world appealing for an end to racism, inequality, brutality and fear.

Museums have a mission to tell the stories inherent in their collections. Our SEMC community must work together to amplify and strengthen the work of museums to combat institutional racism, injustice, and violence against people of color. The Southeastern Museums Conference exists to connect museum professionals and support our organizations. SEMC will provide space for our museum community to speak upshare what they are doing to affect change, and stand up as allies. By sharing, we can learn from one another, foster hope, and work together toward meaningful change.

I would like to draw your attention to the work of SEMC’s Equity and Inclusion Action Team and their powerful statement of solidarity. This dynamic, inclusive group provides resources and space for dialogue and

seeks to break down actual and perceived barriers that inhibit access to our institutions, and guide our museums toward equitable practices for traditionally marginalized people including, but not limited to people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, and differently-abled individuals.”

I encourage you to visit the site, get involved, and add your voice to the conversation.

SEMC Council and staff value inclusivity, honesty and genuine empathy and urge the SEMC community to take action to become better allies in the effort to dismantle systemic racism. SEMC will support this work with upcoming events and resources. We recognize—and are committed to engaging in—the vast amount of work to be done to build true equity.


Zinnia Willits, SEMC Executive Director